African Joke: The Prayer

One day, at church, a man is praying on the pew loudly, “Lord, please send me 4,000 Naira, that is all I need! … Lord! if you send me ₦4,000, I will do anything!… O Lord, answer my prayers… all I need is ₦4,000 … JESUS!!! ₦4,000 is all I need! Lord of Hosts, let ₦4,000 rain on me.” The man goes on in his prayers screaming and shouting in the church.

Suddenly, there is a tap on his shoulder… he stops, opens his eyes, thinking to himself “Who in this world is interrupting my prayers?” The man seated next to him, hands him 4,000, and continues praying. The other man is so happy, and says, “Wait, God really answers prayers so fast!

At the end of the church service, he asks his pew neighbor, “neighbor, you don’t know what you have done for me… but why did you give me ₦4,000 ?

The man replies, “with your loud screams, you were blocking my prayers for 50 millions.”

Everybody has his level of problems. Dr. Y.

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