The Vultures are Getting Ready

French flag

Today, we will introduce a new word: “Vulturing”! It is a word we thought of after the events of recent months, and let’s face it because of the New Scramble for Africa. The vultures are at it again, and honestly never stopped. About a month ago, on April 14 2024, a former Chief of Staff of the French army, General Francois Lecointre, announced in an interview to Le Figaro, that France and Europe, for their survival would have to proceed in an armed recolonization of Africa in the upcoming 10 years. To paraphrase, he said, “we cannot let these poor Africans live in chaos just on our doorstep… within a few years, Africans will have a population boom like no other continent [why do Africans having babies, bother them so much?] … Europe should act as a political entity that defends its own interests, including through military commitment… We must return and help these African countries [nobody asked for your help].”

The New Scramble for Africa (Source: Source: Dr Jack & Curtis for City Press, National Institute African Studies (NIAS))

Would we not call it “vulturing”? Why can’t the predator leave the prey? Do you know that France is 4th producer of gold, even though there are no gold mines in France, and the gold comes from Mali? Do you know that because of Niger’s coup, now France cannot have easy access to free uranium as in the past? Now that the AES, Mali – Burkina Faso – Niger, is no longer a part of the French zone of influence (Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger all leave the ECOWASMali, Burkina Faso, and Niger Sign a Mutual Defence Pact), there has been a lot of shortfall that can be felt in France. For the French military bases that have been removed from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger… where would those French troops go? If they go back to France, there might be a government topple, then why not send them to another place at war, in Eastern Europe for instance, or try wars in Africa? It is no secret, that since Niger has asked for the Americans to remove their drone base (one of the world’s largest drone bases) from its soil, the Americans have been making deals to move troops and bases to neighboring countries surrounding the AES.

This is a WAKE UP call to Africans to unite and fight! It is not just for French speaking countries in Africa, but to all of Africa. Africa is the key to the world! There will be blood for Africa’s resources, and Africans have to be at the forefront of the battle for their own resources and take hold of what is theirs. Africans better wake up, the vultures are flying over!

Watch the interview of the General Lecointre to Le Figaro, and read a quick summary on APA News.

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